Final Project Essentials: Interaction Terms
Jeremy Springman
University of Pennsylvania
Global Development: Intermediate Topics in Politics, Policy, and Data
PSCI 3200 - Spring 2025
Polyarchy is about the degree of political competition
Causal effects of regime-type are difficult, but…
Ongoing transitions across regions
Most deterioration seen on:
Broad trends
What did you find interesting?
Incumbents are losing elections
Incumbents are losing elections
Mixed evidence on attacks on journalists
Lots of new anti-NGO laws
In Africa, democratization after the Cold War was shaped by the level of development (urbanization) at the start of countries’ anti-colonial movements
Why does opposition strategy affect democratization decades later?
We do not seen an impact of Post-WWII Opposition Strategy on Post-1990 Institutions
What is an interaction term?
\[ Y_i = \alpha + \beta_1 X_{i1} + \beta_2 X_{i2} + \beta_3 X_{i1}*X_{i2} + \epsilon_i \]
What are interaction terms used for?
Example: Continuous outcome with two binary predictors