Democracy and Autocratization 2

Final Project Essentials: Interaction Terms

Jeremy Springman

University of Pennsylvania

Global Development: Intermediate Topics in Politics, Policy, and Data

PSCI 3200 - Spring 2025




  1. V-Dem
  2. Garcia-Ponce and Wantchekon
  3. Final Project Essentials: Interaction terms

Varieties of Democracy

Polyarchy (Dahl, 1972)

Polyarchy is about the degree of political competition

  • Democracy is an ideal too tough to define
  • Instead, he describes procedures that make countries more/less democratic
  • Contestation and inclusiveness allow for competition over power
  • Competition makes governments accountable to citizens

Polyarchy (Dahl, 1972)

Polyarchy (Dahl, 1972)

Benefits of Democracy

Causal effects of regime-type are difficult, but…

  • Higher economic growth
  • Lower poverty (famines)
  • Fewer international conflicts

Waves of Democracy

Varieties of Democracy

  • Governance characteristics scored based on expert opinion
  • 25 country experts (2/3 local and 1/3 foreign)
  • 500+ indicators
  • Sophisticated methods of aggregating into indices and estimating uncertainty across coders
  • Liberal Democracy, Electoral Democracy, Electoral Autocracy, Autocracy

Varieties of Democracy

How is governance changing?

Ongoing transitions across regions

How is governance changing?

How is governance changing?

Most deterioration seen on:

  1. Freedom of expression
  2. Clean elections
  3. Freedom of association

How is governance changing?

Broad trends

  • Number of people living under autocracy back to 1985 levels
  • Concentration of global power is shifting (BRICS+ vs G7)
  • 60 countries are holding national elections this year
    • 31 worsening; 3 improving

What did you find interesting?

Critiques of VDem: Little & Meng

Incumbents are losing elections

Critiques of VDem: Little & Meng

Incumbents are losing elections

Critiques of VDem: Little & Meng

Mixed evidence on attacks on journalists

Defense of VDem

Defense of VDem

Defense of VDem

Lots of new anti-NGO laws

Garcia-Ponce and Wantchekon

Why countries Democratize

  • Correlation between income and democracy
    • Modernization theory: wealth, education, and urbanization are associated with democratization
  • Why might this be true?

In Africa, democratization after the Cold War was shaped by the level of development (urbanization) at the start of countries’ anti-colonial movements


  • Anti-colonial movements chose between two strategies:
    • Rural insurgency
    • Urban protest
  • Democratization was delayed by the Cold War
  1. What shaped opposition movements’ choice between strategies?
  2. What delayed democratization during the Cold War?


Why does opposition strategy affect democratization decades later?

  • Inclusion
  • Organization


  • Institutions
  • Behaviors


Threats to inference

  • Things that affect whether or not opposition uses insurgency vs protest might also affect current levels of democracy


  • Covariates
  • Sensitivity analysis
  • Difference-in-Differences
    • Leverages changes within countries over time
    • Before the end of the cold war, groups look similar
    • After the end of the cold war, groups trend away from each other
  • Instrumental Variables
    • Leverages ‘plausibly exogeneous’ variation in terrain
    • Terrain predicts strategy choice

Instrumental Variable

Mechanisms: Institutions

We do not seen an impact of Post-WWII Opposition Strategy on Post-1990 Institutions

Mechanisms: Behavior

Policy Implications

  • Historical social movements help understand the link between structural conditions and democratic development
  • Non-violent collective action appears critical for the establishment of lasting democracy

Final Project Essentials

Interaction Terms

What is an interaction term?

  • Simple linear models assume that the effect of predictors is independent of other factors
  • Interaction terms allow us to estimate the difference in the slope of a predictor across unit characteristics

\[ Y_i = \alpha + \beta_1 X_{i1} + \beta_2 X_{i2} + \beta_3 X_{i1}*X_{i2} + \epsilon_i \]

Interaction Terms

What are interaction terms used for?

  • Heterogeneous effects
  • Difference-in-differences

Example: Continuous outcome with two binary predictors

  • \(\alpha\): Intercept when \(X_{i1}\) and \(X_{i2}\) are 0
  • \(\beta_1\) Slope when \(X_{i2} = 0\)
  • \(\beta_2\) Difference in \(\alpha\) between \(X_{i2}=0\) and \(X_{i2}=1\)
  • \(\beta_3\) Difference in \(\beta_1\) between \(X_{i2}=0\) and \(X_{i2}=1\)